Graffiti was originally a reference to ancient inscriptions and can be observed in the Catacombs of Rome or at the ruins of Pompeii.
Graffiti, once considered vandalism, is becoming more widely recognized as a type of artwork.
I've traveled around my home-town of Dayton and discovered multiple examples of fine Graffiti artwork.
My search for local Graffiti art in Dayton was inspired by my trip to Budapest where we enjoyed looked at art murals on buildings. Here is a link to my age on Graffiti in Budapest.
Celebrating the history of flight in Ohio.
Dayton Ohio is the Birthplace of Aviation
Ohio is the home to 25 Astronauts
who made 78 Space Flights
Ohio astronauts made 3 trips to the moon
What Dreams We Have and How They Fly
This artwork on the side of The Teen Educational Joint Adult Workshop represents some of Dayton's most famous people.
Home to the Wright Brothers
Paul Lauence Dunbar (Poet)
Charles Kettering (Inventor)
The disappearance of Childhood
Children Are the living messages we send to a time we will not see
I found this interesting Graffiti in the covered parking garage across from the Neon Theatre.
In a parking lot on Front Street.
Interesting Graffiti on the side of a building in a parking lot.
20 North Jefferson Street
On the side of a building in the Oregon District
521 E Fifth Street
On a wall in Nordale Park
63 Nordale Ave